Saturday, March 15, 2008

42 is the Ultimate Answer

Don't you know it?

The play went well. The school loved it and the actors including myself are now little celebrities around the school. It's nice to be noticed for stuff you're proud of instead of being taunted.

I went to EYH today. It was fun. I destroyed a dead squid, made my own lip balm, and got to sing Helena at the music activity. That woman who ran the workshop is forever in my good graces for having that on her iPod.

I'm just really content and happy right now.


Sunday, March 9, 2008


Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been busy.

The play is this week. After-school practices run till four and on Thursday I need to stay till eight. Ugh. But I get to miss half of my classes on Friday, so fair trade.

Nothing else really happened. I've just been working.

I'm now obsessed with the song Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. It's the only thing I'll listen to while typing. It's that song or nothing. But I don't have it on my iPod, so for reports at home, nothing. D:

Bye for now,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I found that purple paint worked just as well as the duct tape would have, and I found a better shade. GO ME!