Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hello America and everywhere else

I know I'm now posting about once a month. I'll try to up it to once a week.

We're doing our play now. Performances are today and tomorrow. I'm so excited!

I think I'll be able to see The Golden Compass on Friday! Woo!

I burned my finger using a hot glue gun. Well, to be expected. Klutzy me.

And that's about it. Bye.

Phrase: "'What was it like?' 'It was windy.'" -Twister

Friday, November 9, 2007


Whew! it's been a while since I last posted.

To summarize what's happened:
An antique fair.

For Halloween I was Tsunade from Naruto. I loved my costume, although I didn't fully look like her. But I think I looked like her. :)

Our drama class got our Romeo and Juliet roles! I didn't get Juliet, but I'm okay with that. I got another role that the teacher said I was the best one for.
And I am Lady Capulet! Yes, I am the matriarch of the Capulets, Juliet's mom. I'm really happy that I did. YAY! Capulets so pwn Montagues, in my opinion.

I went to an antique fair last Sunday. I got a pair of really cool old sunglasses. They look cool!

I've been catching up on Heroes, and have almost made it. I'll be caught up on Tuesday, if my predictions are accurate. Let's hope so.

Word of the day: hamster

Friday, October 26, 2007


List of my fave candies:

*Reese's ( Who invented these? So good.)

*Butterfinger (Crunchy!)

*Plain ol' chocolate (The classic.)

*Sour anything (It tingles my tongue.)

*CANDY CORN!! (Wonder treat!)

* Lemon drops (Sweet and sour at the same time.)

*Swedish fish (Strange, but good.)

*Strawberry salt water taffy from Marini's in Santa Cruz(Best. Taffy. Ever.)

* Milk chocolate malt balls(I like sucking away the chocolate and then eating the malt.)

*Licorice, black or red(Black is actually good if you get used to it.)


*Spearmint..mints(Hey, they're good.)

*Bubble gum (The forbidden. I have braces.)

*Pixie Stix (So addictive...so little in each pouch.)

Word of the day: practice

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Origins of names

The origin of the name Luncena has a bit of a bizarre history.

When I was in science class about a year ago, me, my friend, and two other people were put into a group and told to "make an insect". So we set to it. What we ended up making was a combo of a luna moth, centipede, fly, and butterfly. The creation was dubbed a "luncen" (luna moth+centipede). Eventually I ended up incorporating luncens into my story.

Later when I was in need of a name online, I thought about luncens. "Luncena" is the female form of "Luncen" and it sounded neat. So I decided on that. And that became my alias.

And the origin of this blog's name comes from the weird things involving me and fives. I was born at 5:55 AM, I rarely don't see a 5 in my lucky numbers in fortune cookies, the number of letters in all my names adds up to 23 (2+3=5), etc. So fives keep following me.

Current events #1

*My drama class is almost done with Romeo and Juliet. That means auditions soon! SQUEE!!!

* I'm in love with golden lion tamarins like the one in my photo. So cute, so cool, endangered.

*I think it's really cool that Dumbledore turned out to be gay.

*I have a renewed interest in Naruto.

* I made a blog.

* I got an accusatory email from someone I don't know. It was on SchoolLoop, the school email system. I really don't care that they said I called them a weirdo last year. From me, that's a compliment.

*My friend invited me to their Halloween party on Saturday! Yes!


My first post! Ah, the joys of having a blog. I can say almost anything that I want, no? And it can be opinionated, which is important for a Leo like me. On with the show!