Friday, November 9, 2007


Whew! it's been a while since I last posted.

To summarize what's happened:
An antique fair.

For Halloween I was Tsunade from Naruto. I loved my costume, although I didn't fully look like her. But I think I looked like her. :)

Our drama class got our Romeo and Juliet roles! I didn't get Juliet, but I'm okay with that. I got another role that the teacher said I was the best one for.
And I am Lady Capulet! Yes, I am the matriarch of the Capulets, Juliet's mom. I'm really happy that I did. YAY! Capulets so pwn Montagues, in my opinion.

I went to an antique fair last Sunday. I got a pair of really cool old sunglasses. They look cool!

I've been catching up on Heroes, and have almost made it. I'll be caught up on Tuesday, if my predictions are accurate. Let's hope so.

Word of the day: hamster

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