Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Origins of names

The origin of the name Luncena has a bit of a bizarre history.

When I was in science class about a year ago, me, my friend, and two other people were put into a group and told to "make an insect". So we set to it. What we ended up making was a combo of a luna moth, centipede, fly, and butterfly. The creation was dubbed a "luncen" (luna moth+centipede). Eventually I ended up incorporating luncens into my story.

Later when I was in need of a name online, I thought about luncens. "Luncena" is the female form of "Luncen" and it sounded neat. So I decided on that. And that became my alias.

And the origin of this blog's name comes from the weird things involving me and fives. I was born at 5:55 AM, I rarely don't see a 5 in my lucky numbers in fortune cookies, the number of letters in all my names adds up to 23 (2+3=5), etc. So fives keep following me.