Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My sincerest apologies...

...For not updating in a long time. It's been difficult and I've been busy. But with the lack of purple duct tape and story ideas, I'm free for the moment.

I'm absolutely obsessed with Bleach nowadays. It's a manga/anime series that is SO AWESOME. It basically comprises about 50% of my thoughts and 25% of what I say. So...yeah, I'm in love. One of the best things about it? I actually somewhat look like a character from the series, Rangiku Matsumoto. I mean, I'm so obsessed that I actually tried to cut my hair similar to hers (it worked!) in order to highlight this. I like the arrancar better though. My favorites would have to be Wonderwice, Luppi, and Ulquiorra.

I'm in a band now. It has me, L, and D in it. I'll call it RFV for now, since I'm paranoid about name-hijackers. But it's awesome. Though we have a lack of a singular place to be, we're slowly figuring out what to do. If needed, we'll put it on hold till summer when we have more time, but we will do it.

I'm going to try to convince D's dad to let her go to the same high school as me. I don't want her to go away! I want her to stay with me and L. My selfish wish.

D told me today that her mom got tickets for an MCR concert. I'm so happy for her! But, of course, I'm also jealous. (I got into My Chemical Romance over my time lag from my post before the Subway one.) She best tell me all about it!

I misread the word palms as pants today. Then I figured it out. It was funny though.

I saw Definitely, Maybe last weekend. It was so cute and sweet. I loved it and highly recommend it.

Random fact: White chocolate has no chocolate in it.


Mara Ochoa said...

Almost no sense at all. Selfish? I want you to come to my high school


Luncena said...

I don't care, I'm going where Mom said, so I'm trying to collect D to go where I'm going. Make sense now?

Guitar Hero rocks. Thanks again.

-your imoto